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How OPLAN ARO and Baklas-Plaka are Helping to Enhance Road Safety in Baguio City

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

When we were assigned to BCPO Traffic Enforcement Unit, we assisted in the implementation of OPLAN ARO(Anti-Road Obstruction) under the supervision of PLTCOL DAUSEN around the area of operation of said unit in the city, especially in the Central Business District. Also implementing the “Baklas Plaka” Ordinance of the city to erring motor vehicle owners after giving warning but to no avail do not abide by the same.

The goal of OPLAN ARO was to clear the city's roads of all impediments, including illicit vendors, squatter settlements, and illegally parked cars. The program included regular traffic rule monitoring and enforcement, the eviction of squatters, and the creation of designated market spaces for sellers. These actions made it simpler for residents and visitors to navigate the city's roads by lowering road obstacles and enhancing traffic flow. On the other hand, the Baklas-Plaka initiative sought to clean up and beautify the city by getting rid of all kinds of unauthorized signs, flyers, and posters that littered the streets. The initiative involves routinely inspecting public areas for illegal posters, flyers, and anything that was thought to be unattractive and visually distracting. This enhanced the city's overall appearance, enhancing its appeal to tourists and instilling a sense of community pride among the populace.[1]

In addition to removing illegally-installed license plates, the BCPO-TEU also reminded the public of the importance of following traffic laws and regulations. They emphasized that proper identification of vehicles is necessary for law enforcement to effectively respond to emergencies and to ensure road safety.

Overall, the OPLAN ARO and Baklas-Plaka programs have had a positive impact on the city of Baguio. The removal of road obstructions and illegal posters and signage has improved the flow of traffic, making it easier for tourists and locals to navigate the city. The city's beauty has been preserved, attracting even more tourists and giving locals a sense of pride in their city. The programs serve as a reminder of the importance of keeping the city clean and well-maintained, ensuring its long-term sustainability and continued popularity.

The goal of these operations is to ensure the smooth flow of traffic and maintain public safety in Baguio City. To maintain the good flow of traffic and avoid nuisance to the public, we, the law enforcement officers should be firm and strict in the enforcement of the laws, not letting the public take advantage of them.

My experience, as a future police officer responsible for traffic management, has taught me various leadership skills that have been useful in performing my duties effectively. I have learned to be patient and resilient, even in challenging situations. I also need to maintain my composure and remain calm, even in high-pressure situations for managing traffic can be frustrating, especially when dealing with difficult road users. Traffic management requires a team approach, and I have learned to work effectively with other members of the traffic management team. I have also learned that being a leader in the team, we need to delegate tasks and responsibilities to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal. One should aspire to a strong, strict leader who sets high standards and isn't hesitant to take chances. This kind of leader frequently succeeds in reaching objectives.

[1] Mariano, P. (2018, June 11). Modernizing Public Transport in the Philippines. Changing Transport.

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