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“Charlie Papa”- Checkpoints of Baguio City

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

We assisted in the conduct of low-risk checkpoints along West of America, Loakan Road, Baguio City together with Baguio City Mobile Force Company led by PLT TAD-O, under the supervision of Force Commander PLTCOL LIZARDO and leadership of City Director PCOL BULWAYAN.

A checkpoint as defined by the law is a place where the military or police check vehicular or pedestrian traffic to enforce circulation control measures and other laws, orders, and regulations which involves only a brief detention of travelers during which the vehicle's occupants are required to answer a brief question or two. It shall be composed of the following: Team Leader, Spotter, Spokesperson, Investigation Sub-Team, Search/Arresting Sub-Team, Security Sub-Team, and Blocking/ Pursuing Sub-Team. It could be performed because of flagging down identified fleeing suspects or criminals called the Hasty Checkpoint, in layman’s terms the high-risk checkpoint, or for enforcement of traffic laws called Regular Police Checkpoint or low-risk checkpoint. What we conducted for today is the low-risk checkpoint where we randomly check passing vehicles for visual or plain view search for any possible violation and stopping vehicles who visibly show violations such as not wearing a helmet and wearing shorts and slippers for those riding motorcycles. But before conducting, the team leader made sure to inform the higher headquarter before commencing with the checkpoint to avoid any untoward incident. It is done through radio communication. I have seen the importance of knowing how to operate radios and the codes used.

The Team Leader shall initially account for his team and conduct a briefing before the activity. He would make sure that all the necessary equipment and preparations are done. The presence of the following shall be observed: marked vehicles with blinkers on, personnel on a prescribed uniform, handheld and vehicle base radio, megaphone; and signage containing the warning signs such as Slow Down Checkpoint Ahead and information signs such as the name of the unit and team leader. The team would be posted to their areas depending on their designations. The Spotter of the team will be pre-positioned in a place where he can best point or profile suspected vehicles before their approach to the checkpoint. The Search/Arresting Sub-Team shall flag down suspected vehicles and conduct search, seizure, and arrest if necessary. And the pursuers are to be posted before the post of the spotters to be responsible for fleeing suspects or hot pursuits.[1]

It shall be observed to talk to the driver most courteously and inform him of the nature of his violation if seen with one. We do demand to see the driver’s license, photocopies of the certificate of registration, and the official receipt and examine these documents and counter-check the driver on the information reflected therein. A visual search is also done, at the same time, not requiring any effort to be done by the driver and the officer. If there is a traffic violation seen, the officer immediately issues a Traffic Citation Ticket (TCT) or Traffic Violation Report (TVR).

It is also important to keep in mind to never indulge in prolonged, unnecessary conversations or arguments with the driver or any of the vehicle’s occupants. The violations after recording would then be for transmittal to the traffic enforcement unit which is responsible for documenting and awarding penalties. Before moving out, the team leader would then inform Headquarters regarding the situation or status and disposition of the violations or any apprehended person and vehicles confronted.

Observing our supervisor, being a leader in the conduct of police checkpoints has taught me various leadership skills that I can use in my daily interactions in my future work. As a leader, I have learned that setting the right example is key to gaining the respect and trust of our subordinates. By being present, showing a positive attitude, and following the standard operating procedures, I would be able to motivate my subordinates to be more productive and focused on their duties. I have also learned that proper planning and organization are crucial in conducting a successful police checkpoint. I have learned that there is a need to assess the checkpoint location, devise a strategic plan, and allocate the necessary resources to ensure that the checkpoint runs efficiently.

[1] What to Do at a PNP Checkpoint: Checkpoint guidelines to remember as the election period begins. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2023, from

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