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Introduction: What is a Command Conference and What Does it Entail?

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

Together with the BCPO- Station 7 Commander PMAJ PACIFICAR, we attended the Police Regional Office Cordillera Command Conference led by the PROCOR Regional Director PBGEN BAZAR discussing the various important peace and order concerns of the police force in the region. The command conference is a regular gathering of the PNP where all unit commanders of the Command and staff come together to discuss accomplishments, issues, and problems in the various PNP units, as well as to announce upcoming PNP activities and to come to agreements on issues for the betterment of the organization's performance of its mandate.

The conference also provides an opportunity for the PNP Regional Director to give guidance and direction to the organization, as well as for the different provinces to share best practices and learn from each other. The conference is important because it helps the PNP to evaluate its performance and make any necessary adjustments to improve its effectiveness in serving and protecting the public. As a leader who is responsible to your followers means that you must be informed of events and have all the information necessary to understand your followers. To formulate a potential piece of advice that directs them in their decision-making as to developing a solution, you must first understand the worries and problems they have. This quality is essential for a leader if they intend to lead their men to succeed and realize the organization's objective.

Attending conferences such as the PNP Regional Director's conference provides leaders with an opportunity to understand the concerns and issues of their followers. By actively participating in the conference, leaders can listen to the challenges faced by their followers and provide guidance and direction to help them overcome these challenges. Moreover, sharing best practices and learning from each other can help leaders improve their leadership skills and apply them to their respective organizations.[1]

As a leader, it is important to stay informed and up-to-date with current events and trends that may affect the organization. Attending conferences is a great way to gain this knowledge and stay ahead of the game. Furthermore, by attending these events, leaders can foster relationships with other professionals in their industry, which can lead to future collaborations and partnerships.

In summary, attending conferences is an essential aspect of leadership. It provides an opportunity for leaders to gain valuable insights, share best practices, and network with other professionals in their industry. By staying informed and up-to-date, leaders can effectively guide and direct their followers to achieve the organization's goals and objectives.

[1] NorMin Top Cop Presides 7th Command Conference. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2023, from

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