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What I Learned as a Cadet from Bill George's True North

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

As a cadet, reading Bill George's True North book was a life-changing experience. The book helped me to understand the importance of having a clear purpose in life and how this can guide my decisions and actions. It taught me that being authentic and true to oneself is crucial in becoming a successful leader.

One of the key learnings I took from the book was that true leaders are those who have a strong sense of purpose and values. Bill George argues that a leader's true purpose should come from within, not from external sources. This was a powerful lesson for me because it taught me that I need to have a deep understanding of who I am and what I stand for to be a successful leader.

Another important takeaway from the book was that leaders need to be courageous. True North requires us to take risks and make tough decisions, even if it means going against popular opinion. This is not an easy task, but leaders need to be brave and stand up for what they believe in. The book also highlights the importance of self-reflection and introspection in the leadership journey.[1]

Additionally, the book emphasized the need for leaders to be grounded in their values and to always prioritize the needs of their stakeholders. This means that leaders must act with integrity, empathy, and compassion toward their employees, customers, and communities.

In conclusion, the True North book has provided me with a roadmap for my leadership journey. It has taught me that leadership success is not just about making the right decisions, but about being authentic, courageous, and grounded in my values. These lessons will be invaluable as I move forward in my career and I am grateful for the guidance that Bill George has provided.

[1] True North. (2021, November 8). Bill George; George Family Office.

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