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The Making of "Special Action Force 44 Days of Faith and Valor" Day 1

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

Day 1's content depicts Lieutenant General Cesar Hawthorne Binag’s expectations for receptions, yet was taken aback when experienced the reception in SAF Commando. Reception rites are significant cultural rituals that signal the start of crucial moments or phases in a person's life. Depending on the cultural and social setting, these rituals can take many different shapes and have a variety of functions. The general public’s view of it is a delightful celebration with a joyful atmosphere where food, music, and dance are shared as a means to celebrate.

While it is true that receptions are deemed as happy occasions, in the different world of SAF Commando, things are done the other way around. The reception rites consist of a series of challenges, including long-distance runs and survival exercises. It is done to weed out those who are not up to the task of becoming a Commando. Only the most resilient and determined individuals make it through. It ensures that only the best of the best are selected to serve in this elite unit, which is responsible for carrying out high-risk operations in defense of our national security.

The reception rites of the PNP and AFP are crucial in the transitioning of new members into these agencies. These ceremonies serve as a reminder of the start of their acceptance of the values and traditions unique to these institutions and the instilling of a sense of pride and belonging in the hearts of the recruits. It is a continuous process of growth and development, where every member is expected to embody the ideals and traditions of these organizations, and to serve with honor, integrity, and commitment. This ceremony serves as a symbol of the recruits' commitment to serve and protect the people of the Philippines.

As a future police officer who would soon undergo such ceremonies, it is important to think that these events do not intend to give only hardships to us future law enforcers but make us leave our old life and begin our journey towards the promise of a new as well as different way of life. Applying the techniques of Lt General Binag, it is pure faith that he holds onto more than anything. It is his trust in the Lord that made him able to endure all those rigorous activities. Having this attribute can provide me with a sense of purpose, strength, and resilience in the face of challenging situations I will encounter in my field of work. It is important to remember that our job can be demanding and challenging, both physically and mentally. Having faith in yourself and your abilities, especially in God, can help us stay grounded and focused on our goals. It can also help us navigate difficult situations with a sense of calm and purpose.

Overall, having faith and trust in God and oneself can be a valuable attribute for a police officer, but it should be coupled with a commitment to ongoing learning, ethical conduct, and a dedication to serving and protecting the community.

[1] PH forever indebted to SAF 44’s heroism: Guevarra. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2023, from

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